Monday, 26 September 2016

BBFC visit

We'll review our visit to the BBFC HQ with 3 simple questions:
  1. What was the most surprising/shocking/interesting thing you saw or heard?
  2. Sum up the differences between PG, 12 and 15 (and the others, U and 18, if you have time), using real examples from BBFC Insight
  3. What industry is the film industry age classification body the BBFC also starting to work in, and why will this be problematic/difficult?
A simple 'bbfc' google indicates the range of great features of the BBFC site. Screenshot below
To learn more about the BBFC, you can access their excellent education service through their website. I have also blogged on the BBFC on several of my blogs, but especially on the 'mediareg' [media regulation, an A2 exam topic] blog; you can use the BBFC tag to find any post I've tagged as being linked to the BBFC, but might find this post especially interesting. Do note that I've commented on 18-rated films, but haven't embedded 18-rated content. I embedded videos, such as interviews with BBFC censors, in this post.

Friday, 16 September 2016

MAGAZINE COVER Kick it into shape


ASSIGNMENT ONE introduces two of the four Key Concepts for GCSE Media: MEDIA LANGUAGE (what) and AUDIENCE (why/who). In all 3 assignments you will be analysing existing media texts, and detailing what is in them (the media language used) as well as why those choices were made.

When we consider AUDIENCE, age and gender are the minimum requirements, although wealth is among other factors we can consider.

Follow the steps below. You have 3 periods to work on this. If you don't complete STEP SIX in lesson time this must be done as homework for the next lesson. We will do STEP SEVEN together when I return. Note: you can start designing your actual magazine idea NOW!

THE MAGNIFICENT 7...STEPS [make sure you click on the read more link!!!]

A3 sheets have been provided; these are on the teacher desk beside the Mac.

As before, you're not just identifying where you see these features (MEDIA LANGUAGE), but also considering and writing why you think these are designed in the way they are (who they're aimed at: AUDIENCE, being clear on how means accurately describing [denoting] the media language choices made).

This cover is missing some of the features we'd expect to see (and therefore you must include when you design your own magazine concept and cover). Use an arrow/line to show where these would go on the KiCK cover, with details of the actual MEDIA LANGUAGE you think the designer should use (phrases etc) and a short explanation of why (how you think this will appeal to the target audience)

Write one or more paragraph/s (in your books or on the back of this A3 sheet) on who you think this magazine is aimed at, being clear on why (provide at least 3 pieces of evidence from the text to support your argument). You should cover the gender/s and age range you think it targets (and any other details, or demographics* you think are useful).    *categories of people, eg nationality

MAGAZINE COVER initial research



MAGAZINE COVER the masthead

The single most important detail of any magazine cover is the masthead, as this is a consistent representation of the BRAND. From month to month nothing will change (size, position, font etc) other than possibly the colour to fit with that month's main image.

When considering mastheads you have to think about:
  • position: along the top (think about newsagents and how they're displayed)
  • size: usually the largest text on the cover (again, think about how they're stacked on shelves)
  • colour: brighter colours work well for younger audiences, darker or duller colours are more likely to appeal to an adult, mature (older) audience. Gender can be a factor too (pink...)
  • font style: handwriting styles typically target a female audience; serif fonts (like this one) may signify or connote an older, sophisticated audience; bubble fonts (thick lettering) work well for younger audiences, though might be necessary for older audience if the title is a short word!
  • case: upper case (capitals) typically indicates older, though Sentence Case can be seen as elegant and suiting a sophisticated, wealthy audience. Using ALL lower case can be seen as informal; this and MiXiNg CaSe is unlikely to appeal to an older audience,  lead us to the point below...
  • breaking rules of grammar: intentional mis-spelling, slang, shortened words ... all will help appeal to a younger audience: eg Old Skool; Lux (for Luxembourg)
  • graphic element within the word/s: the dot of the i is often targeted for a graphic element (eg KiCK! I'd use a football for the dots)
  • length of the name: you wouldn't use a long name for a youth magazine; if you do, you're limited in the size of your font
The RiDE example:


Tuesday, 13 September 2016

MUSIC VIDEO remake planning

We need to start by agreeing on an executive producer who will take a lead in ensuring everyone carries out their tasks, gathering copies of paper planning, checking locations availability, costume/props etc, supported and listened to by everyone in the class.

Next, split into 3 trios and one duo, each with responsibility for planning the shoot in 1 of the locations. The complexity of shoots in each location varies, so the duo should tackle the least complicated shoot.

Each mini-team can look at the tasks below and split them up.

Monday, 12 September 2016

MUSIC VIDEO Britney sample analysis

To help prepare you for individual productions you will be undertaking a class production, a spoof remake of the Britney classic video.
This could be you...

Monday, 5 September 2016

Sample websites

I picked out a range of websites for you to consider...

Evie (Illenium [rapper])
Orla (English Theatre Company of Luxembourg)
Aubrey (AK Photography)
Ismini (MiniChef: TeenCook)
Ben (Blackout Studios [gaming])
Harry (The Imperial Dog [rap artist])
Adam (Death Claw Game Studios)

Jeremy Corbyn (UK Labour Party Leader)
Cuddeback trail cameras
Fraud ghost photos
Gateway to Korea: food section
Typical Dutch Stuff
American Standard bathroom products
iDesign Websites
aHa Parenting