Monday 16 September 2019

NEA 2020 RADIO brief

be Slothful...
See this post for useful examples/analysis to help inspire your ideas. I added a video/points on hiphop DJ Charlie Sloth on 29th Sept 2019 which I think you will find useful!

exam board detail on what audio ISN'T allowed
I asked the exam board to clarify some of the rules for your radio coursework which were ambiguous/unclear from the written instructions. ... this is the full reply: 
In response to question 1, the audio used must be original which means that clips from online videos or games cannot be used. Sound effects from sound libraries (question 2) with programmes may be used, providing they are really short, only 1-2 seconds at most. 
For question 3, as long as there are at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds of speech (if this were measured as a continuous sound source), any amount of other sounds can be used, including as music beds or sound effects under the speech. The gaps between the speech sections, whether these be for music, jingles or whatever, should not total more than 30 seconds.The key focus of the audio should be to convey representation through the voices, through tone, language, volume and pace.

here's the brief:

And further guidance on what to be thinking about:

breakdown of what to hand in for coursework:

here's a detailed breakdown of the marking criteria


Friday 13 September 2019

TV Turkey 2nd only to USA in global distribution

How Turkish TV is taking over the world