Wednesday 29 March 2017

FILM pitching

Use your practice pitch, and notes/handouts to help develop a strong pitch - the process of presenting a film proposal to film financiers/distributors, trying to convince them to risk money on your movie.

Your pitch should be backed by a PowerPoint or video with plentiful, frequent, relevant illustration.

This needs to be emailed (a YouTube link if video) before the Friday 7th April lesson. You will also Monday's lesson to work on this.

It should address:

In no more than 2 sentences, sum up the narrative.
State at least 2 films this has similarities to (explain how), noting their box office + which audience/s you think those examples appeal to.
RESEARCH TIP: if you google 'film title box office' you might find useful analysis on the audience, or just try 'film title audience' - Avatar example1; example2.

Which genre/s?
Is there a recent track record of box office success? Give specific examples, including box office (UK, US and world figures - extension count the number of countries each example got through boxofficemojo listings).
How will you anchor the genre/s in your poster + trailer? (List multiple signifiers)

Target age range, gender/s, demographics (ABC1CDE, and any other factor/s you think relevant).
Explain what you'll include to target each audience element. Illustrate clearly your ideas for characters - images don't need to be of the actors/stars/celebrities you'll cast; focus on the costume look you want.
Address secondary audience as well.
Use relevant terms and theories.
What BBFC age rating will it have? (U/PG/12/15/18)
What will the budget be, and how will this impact the box office potential? (You can include an estimate of UK, US, world box office based on recent real examples)
Extension: you could also tackle the release date strategy, as always basing this on existing example/s.

What makes my idea a good one?
What challenges do I have in getting actors, costume, props (+ general mise-en-scene, but remember, as you're doing a greenscreen shoot I'll allow you use to use pre-existing background pics/clips)? 
Do you already have any tagline ideas?
Do you already have a poster concept?

Is my idea achievable?
What should I change or consider?
Are there any films (or other media) I should look at to help with planning my idea?

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